British Wildlife Wiki

The Arctiinae are a subfamily of moths.


The systematics of the Arctiinae are in need of revision and depends significantly on a personal view of an author. In any case, Arctiinae (or Arctiidae) is a monophyletic group with a clear autapomorphic character - a presence of anal glands in females. On the other hand, this group bifurcated between Catocalinae and Herminiinae. So, many specialists downgraded Arctiidae to a subfamily of Erebidae. So, Arctiinae (tiger-moths) were downgraded to a tribe level, and tribes of Arctiinae: Euchaetini, Amerilini, Callimorphini, Nyctemerini, Arctiini, Micrarctiini, Spilosomini should be downgraded to subtribes.

Sometimes the Ctenuchinae and the Pericopinae are merged in the Arctiinae as tribes too.

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