British Wildlife Wiki
Zygaena filipendulae stephensi ~ Six-spot Burnet

Six-spot Burnet ~

The Six-spot Burnet (Zygaena filipendulae) is a day-flying moth of the family Zygaenidae It is a common species throughout Europe

The sexes are similar and have a wingspanof 30-40 mm. The forewings are dark metallic green with 6 vivid red spots (sometimes the spots are merged causing possible confusion with other species such as Five- Spot Burnet ). Occasionally the spots are yellow or even black. The hindwings are red with a blackish fringe. The adults fly on hot, sunny days from June to August and are attracted to a wide variety of flowers such as knapweed and scabious as well as larval food plants bird's foot trefoil and clover The species overwinters as a larva The larva is plump and hairy with variable markings, usually pale green with rows of black spots. It pupates in a papery cacoon attached to foilage.


The six-spot burnet is a brightly coloured day-flying moth. Its bright colours warn potential predators that it is poisonous. The blackish forewings have a metallic sheen and feature red spots that earn the species its common name. Despite the name, however, the number of spots can vary between individuals, and may be fused in some cases. The red hind wings have a fine bluish border and the antennae are club-shaped. A colour form known as f. flava has yellow spots in place of the normal red ones. Very occasionally, specimens with brown spots are also seen.

Six-spot Burnet TL

When the Six-spot Burnet is active


This moth has a wide distribution in Britain and is fairly common. In Scotland it becomes more of a coastal species


Found in a range of habitats including meadows with plenty of flowers, chalk downland, sea-cliffs, woodland rides, railway cuttings, disused quarries, and sand hills. It seems to prefer sites that have a mix of short and long grass, where there are sheltered sunny patches. The larvae need long grasses on which to pupate.


This moth lives in colonies, and flies in sunshine from June to August. It feeds on the nectar of a large range of flowers, with wild thyme being a particular favourite. On overcast days it tends to retreat deep into grasses and can be difficult to spot . It is a single-brooded species, and the eggs are laid on bird’s-foot-trefoil. The caterpillars overwinter once, and occasionally twice, before pupating in paper-like cocoons on grass stems before emerging in June.

6Spot Burnet Moth Pupa

Six-Spot Burnet Moth Pupa - WWC Archives


Although this species is not threatened at present, it seems likely that the widespread loss and agricultural improvement of semi-natural grasslands that has taken place will have impacted on this beautiful moth. Loss of ancient grasslands continues to date, while scrub encroachment is also a problem. Furthermore, colonies are vulnerable to drought

Conservation Rights[]

The burnet study group has been formed to promote the conservation of burnet moths in Scotland

